Malinowski Jungle Lodge, in agreement with researchers and thesis students, has been carrying out research in the department of Madre de Dios within the Tambopata National Reserve, called “Diversity of gastrointestinal parasites and their relationship to the health of snakes of the Boidae family.” The objective of the research is to know the diversity of the parasites that are present in the intestines and how these affect the body condition (health) of the snakes of the Boidae family. To do this, the relationship between the diversity and density of parasites will be analyzed. gastrointestinal parasites with the body condition (weight, thickness, and length) of every one of the trapped boas. The results of the research will serve as a baseline of gastrointestinal parasites present in the Boidae family but will also allow us to know if some parasites affect the health of the boa species there are in the Tambopata National Reserve.

“Diversity of gastrointestinal parasites and their relationship to the health of snakes of the Boidae family."

Currently the Malinowski Jungle Lodge enterprise and the researchers are financing this research. However, in our Research Area there are several work teams missing and the Researchers work without a salary. For this reason, we appeal to your voluntary financial support to cover the aforementioned needs and others that are part of our project and thus continue researching within the Tambopata National Reserve.