Welcome to

Malinowski Jungle Lodge

About us

We are a family that has lived for many years on the banks of the Malinowski River, located in the buffer zone of the Tambopata National Reserve. Where our main economic activity was mining gold, however as time went by, we realized that it is a risky activity and destroyed our amazon jungle and with it the biodiversity it houses.

For this reason, since 2017 we decided to bet on ecotourism, this change implied a transition towards conservation and sustainability, offering tourist activities that respect the environment. We are now focused on showcasing and preserving the beauty and biodiversity of the region through guided tours, eco-lodges, responsible tourism, and research to generate income while protecting the environment.


The mission of our family business is to promote ecotourism and scientific tourism through tourist expeditions and research, which help develop sustainable tourism. We are committed to offering unique and memorable experiences that respect and protect the environment, while contributing to the development of local communities. We seek to inspire our visitors and educate about the importance of research and good tourism practices to continue preserving our Amazon rainforest, while generating economic benefits that help improve the quality of life of local people.


Our vision is to become a leading reference in ecotourism and scientific tourism and to be recognized for our commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development. We seek to be a preferred destination for those who want to experience the beauty and diversity of nature in a responsible way. We aspire to create a positive impact on local communities, generating economic opportunities and promoting the preservation of natural resources for future generations.

Our team

Orlando ugarte cavero

administrator area

Thalía Quiñones Fernández

Customer Support

Claudia Ruiz Rios


Today we present Claudia Ruiz Rios, in charge of the marketing area, she will be in charge of sharing all the good things we have for you.

Meet our amazing house manager in Malinowski. Their efficient and dedicated work keeps everything running smoothly! Your comfort and satisfaction are our number one priority!

Say hello to Thalia Quiñones, our customer service star at Malinowski! With his kindness and professionalism, he is here to make your experience exceptional. Always with a smile, she is ready to help you with anything you need!

cell phone number: +51 940 480 865

WhatsApp: +51 940 480 865

Correo Electrónico: administracion@casamalinoswki.com

Dirección: Jr. Lambayeque s/n

Número de RUC: 20607012106

Razón social: Multiservicios Malinowski SRL

Nombre comercial: Casa malinowski Jungle Lodge

Información de la Empresa

Our services

  • Tourism and Nature

Enjoy the most beautiful spectacle of birdlife in Tambopata and navigate our rivers observing the jaguar and other animals in their natural habitat. Take walks through primary forests with giant trees. When you return at night, rest and relax in our comfortable rooms in the middle of nature.


At Malinowski Jungle Lodge we know that sustainable tourism must be developed hand in hand with research, that is why we have created a research area, and signed agreements with national Herpetofauna researchers with whom the research "Diversity of gastrointestinal parasites and its relationship with the health of snakes of the Boidae family."

Scientific Tourism

It is a new type of tourism where the visitor will participate during their stay in the herpetofauna research that we have been developing, with the aim of educating and raising awareness among our visitors about the ecological importance of these animals in the Amazon ecosystem.

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Here's what our customers say

las caminata en las diversas trochas y su variedad de plantas medicinales más los animales silvestres. cordialidad en la atención

- Orlando ugarte-

Everything from the lodging to the hospitality and the bio-diversity of wildlife was amazing! I had such an incredible experience here and can’t recommend it enough!

- Matt Gagnon-